Gender and Social Inclusion Analysis and Strategy Development - PROSPER Consortium (2019 - 2020)
C12 conducted the gender and social inclusion analysis and strategy development for the DfID funded PROSPER programme conducting a participatory consultation process with 9 partner organisations (Concern Worldwide, United Purpose, GOAL, CUMO, Kadale Consulting, WFP, UNDP, UNICEF, FAO) across 4 target districts. Following the development of the Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy, C12 led a participatory action planning and capacity building process with partner organisations.
Market Analysis & Needs Assessment – Liwonde National Park Livelihoods Project: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Malawi (2019)
C12 completed a detailed analysis involving survey data collection, focus group discussions and a market assessment to establish key livelihood opportunities around Liwonde National Park.
Effectiveness review of projects supporting resilience in the face of climate change - Misean Cara (2019)
C12 provided Misean Cara with an effectiveness evaluation of climate change resilience projects in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi. The focus was on 7 projects across the three countries, implemented through member organisations and multi-member partnership projects.
Strengthening the CCARDESA Information, Communication and Knowledge Management System – SADC Adaptation to Climate Change in Rural Areas in Southern Africa (ACCRA) programme - Hatfield consultants (2018)
C12 provided climate smart agriculture expertise over the 12 month project period.
promising practices documentation of water harvesting and management technologies - sciaf (2017)
C12 produced a promising practices study covering projects in multiple districts of Malawi and Rwanda.
Lessons Learned and Challenges Documentation - United Purpose (Formally Concern Universal) (2017)
C12 documented lessons learned and challenges during the implementation of the DISCOVER project.
Monitoring and evaluation support - Concern universal (2016/2017)
C12 provided technical support to Concern Universal for the M&E component of the DISCOVER project.
Research into Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Change - cooperazione internazionale - coopi (2017)
C12 conducted an exercise on indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in Mangochi and Salima Districts.
hazard and vulnerability mapping and development of an early warning system toolkit for Mangochi district; cooperazione internazionale - coopi (2017)
C12 is currently implementing a project using GIS data including drone imagery to generate hazard and vulnerability maps for the Mangochi district, and update the existing map for Salima District. The project also features an EWS component for project implementers and district officials.
Promising Practices Documentation - Mangochi Livelihoods and Economic Recovery Project - SCIAF (2016)
C12 documented views from beneficiaries and project partners on successes and challenges experienced during the implementation of the MLERP project. The study included a professional photography component.
CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE SCOPING AND MAPPING STUDY: Malawi climate smart agriculture alliance - MCSAA (2016)
C12 was engaged in a detailed mapping study of CSA activities, practices and stakeholders around Malawi. The process includes an assessment of positive and negative aspects of CSA in Malawi and includes GIS vulnerability mapping.
End of project evaluation: Mangochi livelihoods and economic recovery - scIAF (2016)
C12 conducted an end of project evaluation in for the MLERP project in Mangochi, implemented by CADECOM Mangochi.
Monitoring and Evaluation support - Concern worldwide (2016)
C12 supported Concern’s M & E department in a comprehensive evaluation of the Farming Input Management (FIM II) Programme. A new set of tools and revised monitoring plan was generated.
end of project evaluation of dipecho drr project - world vision malawi (2016)
C12 conducted an end of project evaluation for an ECHO funded DRR project implemented by World Vision in Karonga, Malawi.
Qualitative Panel assessment - Christian aid - ecrp (2016)
C12 carried out a qualitative panel assessment documenting most significant change stories in the Enhancing Community Resilience Programme. The project involved in depth documentation of beneficiary perspectives in Nsanje, Chikwawa and Kasungu districts. The work included GIS analysis and was supported by high quality photography.
Mid-term Evaluation of sustainable livelihoods and environmental justice programme - trocaire (2015)
C12 conducted a mid-term evaluation of Trocaires Livelihoods programme in partnership with Imani Development. The programme is focused on improving long term livelihoods through a resilience approach which features elements of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. The evaluation took place across 7 districts, including 7 different partner organisations.
best practice review: Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction - CADECOM (2014)
C12 was hired to do a best practice analysis of the food security and CMDRR programmes run by the Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM). The study covered seven districts in a broad geographic spread from Nsanje to Karonga. Initiatives reviewed included; village savings and loans, entrepreneurship, climate change adaptation, conservation agriculture, water capture, post-harvest management, energy efficient stoves, irrigation cooperatives, river bank management, tree nurseries, woodlot management and livestock pass-on. Projects reviewed were funded by Cordaid and Trocaire.
GIS Mapping & Coffee Manual Climate Change Chapter (2014)
C12 was contracted by Imani Development to produce a full GIS assessment of ideal coffee growing conditions in Malawi. The assignment was for submission to the Coffee Association of Malawi (CAMAL) as part of the Trading for Climate Smart Supply (TraCCS) project funded by the Scottish Government. A chapter on climate change vulnerability was also produced as part of a revision of the Coffee Growing Manual of Malawi. Click here to view maps.